
General Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a science-based profession and takes a ‘whole person’ approach to health and wellbeing, which includes the patient’s general lifestyle.

A physiotherapist is a specialist in body movements and their functions. Many people have complaints due to their posture or because of a movement that causes problems. Often this is from pain and/or a disability.

Physical complaints are ones such as muscular and joint problems. The most common are lower-back pain and neck- and shoulder pain; but muscle and joint problems can also occur in other areas of the body. Sport injuries, work injuries, and accident/health induced injuries, in short, many different physical discomforts can occur in your daily routine or through aging. Your physiotherapist treats, guides and advises you so that you can resume with your daily activities, work or sport as best and soon as you can.

A quick recovery, increasing your load capacity or a being able to handle your body better. You learn how to move in a responsible manner and how to avoid causing further pain or injury in the future.

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